Pembina Reacts: Canada-U.S. Agreement on Energy Technology

Matthew Bramley, Director of the Pembina Institute's climate change program, made the following statement in response to today's announcement of a Canada-U.S. dialogue on energy technology:

"Given the level of ambition President Obama has already shown in tackling global warming, it's disappointing that the only thing Stephen Harper committed to today is holding talks on technology research and pilot projects.

Talking is worthwhile, but it won't reduce Canada's emissions anytime soon. Canada won't be ready for real cooperation with the U.S. until it puts much more credible climate policies on the table.

President Obama appears on track to move the U.S. aggressively into the clean energy economy of the 21st century. For example, the U.S. stimulus package finalized this week outspends Canada's on renewable energy and energy efficiency by six to one, on a per capita basis.

Canada is already falling behind the U.S. on climate action, and Prime Minister Harper missed an important opportunity today to catch up - or to actually make Canada a leader.

President Obama's visit has signalled the end of ‘business as usual' in the oilsands. With the U.S. committed to serious measures to tackle global warming, the writing is on the wall for ‘dirty oil,' unless Canada's government acts quickly to cap emissions in the oilsands."


The Pembina Institute is a non-partisan sustainable energy think tank.

Matthew Bramley
Director, Climate Change Program
819-210-6115 (cell)

Marlo Raynolds
Executive Director
403-607-9427 (cell)

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