Research & Analysis
May 5, 2010
Media Release
Pembina Reacts: Successful Vote on Bill C-311, the Climate Change Accountability Act

April 23, 2010
Media Release
Oilsands regulator does not enforce toxic tailings rules
Syncrude is given a pass to delay liquid tailings clean up
April 23, 2010
Media Release
Pembina Reacts to Nova Scotia Renewable Energy Plan
Nova Scotia tables plan to move from 75% coal power to 40% in less than 10 years
April 22, 2010
Media Release
Pembina Institute opens Washington Bureau
With all eyes on U.S. energy and climate policy, Pembina introduces Director of U.S. Policy
April 20, 2010
Mackenzie Gas Project should learn lesson from Alberta
Joint review panel has done its work, but it's being negated by industry