Pembina reacts to Toronto transportation report

Provincial action also key to solving GTA traffic crisis

Cherise Burda, Director of the Pembina Institute's Transportation program, made the following comments in response to the Toronto City Summit Alliance report on transportation and transit funding, released this morning:  

"Pembina applauds the Toronto City Summit Alliance for proposing tough but progressive measures to fund transit and relieve congestion in Toronto — but effectively resolving Toronto's traffic issues will require strong action by the Ontario government as well.

"Seventy per cent of Ontario residents live — and drive — in the Greater Golden Horseshoe area, and transportation is the largest and fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas pollution in the province. The City of Toronto cannot be left alone to solve the congestion crisis when the majority of the region’s traffic is coming from outside the city.

"Fully implementing and funding Metrolinx is critical to avoiding huge increases in traffic and greenhouse gas pollution over time, and the funding options proposed in the new Alliance report deserve careful consideration. But stronger provincial planning policies are critically needed to actually locate people close to transit while placing tougher limits on sprawl.

"As we embark on a smog alert week in Toronto, we are reminded of the urgent need for practical and affordable options for Ontarians to enjoy faster, cleaner and healthier commutes "



Cherise Burda
Director, Transportation
The Pembina Institute
Cell: 416-824-0256

A recent Pembina report, Driving Down Carbon, found that Ontario could reduce driving time for commuters and cut greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking one million vehicles off the road by making key improvements to personal transportation policies and urban planning.

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