Research & Analysis

Oil & Gas
July 21, 2010
Northern Lifeblood
Empowering Northern Leaders to Protect the Mackenzie River Basin from Oilsands Risks

July 21, 2010
Media Release
Lack of tailings dam transparency highlights increased risk to downstream communities

July 20, 2010
Are the oilsands prepared for a worst-case scenario?
Research assignment turns into wild goose chase
July 6, 2010
Letter: Request to deny amendments to Genesee 3 approval
Statement of Concern by Clean Energy Coalition to Alberta Utilities Commission
July 5, 2010
Media Release
Pembina reacts to Toronto transportation report
Provincial action also key to solving GTA traffic crisis

June 29, 2010
How Do Two Pipelines Stack Up?
Reviewing the Review Processes for the Mackenzie Gas Project and the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline