World-renowned climate expert Dr. James Hansen to address Total oilsands review panel

EDMONTON, AB— Dr. James Hansen, award-winning climate
scientist, will appear at the hearings into Total E&P Canada’s
Joslyn North (oilsands) Mine on Tuesday in Sherwood Park, Alta.

Dr. Hansen will speak on the consequences of Joslyn North’s
contribution of global warming emissions. The project will significantly
increase Alberta and Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Dr. Hansen will be available for interviews following his testimony
on Tuesday at the hearings of the joint federal-provincial review panel.
This is expected to be after 3:30 pm on Tuesday, October 5.


To arrange an interview with Dr. Hansen, please contact:

David Dodge
Director of Communications, Pembina Institute
Cell: 780-232-6162
Phone: 780-701-7196


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