Research & Analysis

October 25, 2010
Fighting Climate Change in Mexico
Facing the Climate Challenge: Mexico opportunities fact sheet
October 25, 2010
Media Release
Manitoba Premier and First Nations recognized for efforts to protect boreal heritage site
Top executives of Canadian environmental groups to present first Environmental Leadership Award for promotion of Pimachiowin Aki World Heritage Project
October 25, 2010
Media Release
Un Prix pour le premier ministre du Manitoba et les Premières Nations : protection de la forêt boréale
Les organisations écologistes du Canada décernent leur tout premier Prix de leadership écologiste pour souligner le projet d’inscription du site Pimachiowin Aki au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO
October 21, 2010
B.C.'s carbon tax at work
How businesses and families can capitalize on the green economy
October 20, 2010
Media Release
New report outlines path for federal government to reduce oilsands impacts
All federal leaders say more must be done; report outlines Ottawa’s duties under existing federal laws

October 18, 2010
Landowners' Guide to Wind Energy
What Alberta landowners want to know about wind energy, but are afraid to ask