Research & Analysis

July 20, 2015
A successful Climate Leadership Plan will need public engagement
Solutions for Climate Leadership — Part 1

July 14, 2015
Sustainability snapshots from ICLEI
How Halifax, Tallinn, Hannover and Ottawa are learning from each other to make their cities more sustainable

Oil & Gas
July 10, 2015
Pacific Northwest LNG Implications
Analysis of environmental impacts and the project development agreement

July 6, 2015
Net-zero contagious: Five mini net-zero communities spring up across Canada
Green Energy Futures heads to Guelph, Ontario to check one out

June 25, 2015
Media Release
Pembina reacts to changes to Alberta’s Specified Gas Emitters Regulation

June 23, 2015
From Brussels to British Columbia
An analysis of the proliferation of Passive House in Brussels