Canada returns to climate leadership in Paris

December 7, 2015

Premier Kathleen Wynne makes a climate-change on November 24, 2015. Photo: Ontario government.

We’re in Paris at the United Nations climate change conference, among thousands of official observers participating in one of the most promising international meetings ever held to tackle the global threat of climate change. For the first time in a long time, we as Canadians are optimistic.

The stars have aligned for the global community to secure an ambitious, enforceable — and desperately needed — climate agreement. The world cannot afford more delays on real climate action. In the constellation of global climate action, Canada is one of the stars that has moved the furthest: the last month alone has seen tectonic shifts in Canada’s position on critical issues, from carbon pricing to climate financing.

That change has continued in Paris. Over the last decade, Canada often undermined global progress with backroom manoeuvres aimed at blocking climate solutions, tarnishing our international reputation. But this time, Canada arrived in Paris with a positive attitude and all the necessary ingredients to be influential and constructive at the negotiating table.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has signalled that Canada is ready to cut carbon pollution at home, and will provide financial assistance to vulnerable countries dealing with the impacts of a dangerously warming world. This is a remarkable and refreshing change. And the Canadian government brought to Paris something it has never had before: meaningful leadership from powerful provincial governments.

More than ever, Canada’s federation is presenting a united front on climate action. Canada’s most populous and highest emitting provinces have all agreed to put a price on carbon — Ontario and Quebec through a cap-and-trade system, and Alberta and B.C. through a carbon tax. With these policies, 80 per cent of Canada’s population and over 86 per cent of our economy will have a meaningful price on carbon.

These provinces are taking action through other measures too. Alberta has ended the era of endless oilsands emissions growth with a plan to limit the pollution stemming from that industry. Coal phase-outs are becoming the new normal, with Ontario having led the way.

Ontario is now crafting a climate plan for the coming years, intended to continue to drive down emissions in the province. The plan’s details will be important. Ontario has set a target to reduce emissions to 37 per cent below 1990 by 2030, and 80 per cent below 1990 by 2050. But reaching those targets will be challenging and cap-and-trade alone won’t do it. But all indications are that Ontario is committed to further action on climate, and to continuing to lead on this front.

The door has never been more open for Canada to produce a meaningful climate strategy.

Still, there is much work to do.

The global scientific community calls for deep emissions reductions, globally and locally, between now and 2050. While provincial climate plans are increasingly robust and comprehensive, they do not add up to what’s needed to meet science-based emissions-reduction targets and Canada’s global commitments. Canadians recognize the need for action: new polling shows that two-thirds of Canadians support stronger action on climate change. Just last week, 25,000 people marched in Ottawa to support a 100-per-cent renewable future.

With new provincial climate plans in hand, the federal government can craft a strong national climate plan aligned with provincial priorities. Ottawa has the ability — and the responsibility — to present a bold, ambitious and credible vision for climate action in Canada. It can start with establishing a policy framework that sets minimum standards on carbon pricing and knits provincial action into a coherent and ambitious national plan.

The UN climate summit in Paris may spur the global community towards new emissions reductions targets. Translating that global ambition into real action is work that needs to happen at home.

To accelerate the pace of progress on emissions reductions in Canada, the federal government could speed up the pace of national coal phase-out, match the Obama administration’s methane-reduction commitment, cut emissions from buildings and transportation, invest in clean transportation and energy efficiency, and ensure Canada replaces coal and oil with clean renewable energy. Ottawa must also set and enforce a national carbon budget to ensure fairness and ambition.

Tim Gray is executive director of Environmental Defence. Sidney Ribaux is executive director of Équiterre. Ed Whittingham is executive director of the Pembina Institute.