Research & Analysis
November 16, 2005
Media Release
Report: Putting CO2 Underground no Silver Bullet but May Have a Role in the Fight Against Climate Change

November 14, 2005
Green Paper on Energy and Climate Change
Prepared for the Canadian Environmental Network

November 1, 2005
Power for the Future: Towards a Sustainable Electricity System for Ontario?
A Provincial Progress Report
November 1, 2005
Support for Adding the Six Greenhouse Gases Specified in the Kyoto Protocol to Schedule 1 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Letter to Environment Canada
October 31, 2005
Drilling for Oil or Gas? Test the Water First
Oilpatch in your backyard: Part 2 of 4 in a series
October 27, 2005
Comments on Alberta Environment's Draft Specified Gas Emitters Regulation Dated October 12, 2005
from Pembina Institute and World Wildlife Fund Canada
October 26, 2005
Media Release
The Government of Alberta's Mineable Oilsands Strategy Would Write Off 2800 km<sup>2</sup> of Alberta's Boreal Forest.

October 19, 2005
Future Financial Liability for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New Large Industrial Facilities in Canada
1st Edition