Good Earth Cafes Introduces Wind-Powered Coffee

April 22, 2006
Media Release

Good Earth Coffeehouse and Bakery, a Calgary-based business; and The Pembina Institute, a non profit environmental organization, invite Calgary coffee lovers to celebrate a new milestone in coffee history with a wind-powered organic coffee from any of the nine Good Earth Café locations in the city. No, it does not come with a mini-wind turbine -- it is how the coffee was made in the café that makes it wind-powered - and therefore taking direct action on climate change, one coffee at a time.

Good Earth Coffeehouse and Bakery calculated all energy use of coffee brewers, coffee grinders and espresso machines per year, and purchased renewable energy certificates equal to that amount from The Pembina Institute's Wind Power Program.

Good Earth bought 308 Megawatt hours of wind power, which has the same positive environmental benefit as planting 1,540 trees; not driving your car 1.3 million kilometers, taking 65 cars off the road for a year, or leaving 139,832 kilograms of coal in the ground.

Over the next few months, Good Earth will roll out an employee and customer awareness and incentive campaign on wind power, encouraging individuals to participate in purchasing wind power for some aspect of their energy use. Pembina's program has a wide range of options like buying wind power just for your computer, or more for home, travel, events, just to name a few.

"Good Earth Coffeehouse and Bakery is stepping up and making a solid commitment to environmental solutions - demonstrating that it can be done, and inspiring and empowering others to do the same. The Pembina Institute is very excited about this creative way to get our message out about alternative, renewable energy sources," says Tina Barzo, Pembina's Wind Power Program Coordinator.

Nan Eskenazi, Good Earth Founder, explains their company's motivation to purchase wind power, "When we see to what is happening in the world today, how can we sit back and not take action? Supporting Wind Power is one way we, as a company, and our customers can step up to the plate and do something! It is simple. It's effective. And it is one more step toward sustainability for us as a business, for our community, for our planet."

The Wind-Powered Coffee Program is part of Good Earth's ongoing program of Environmental Initiatives. On Earth Day 2005 the company launched their private label 100% Organic and Shade Grown coffee… possibly the first chain of coffeehouses in Canada to completely convert to organics.

To find out more about the wind power program, check out or call The Pembina Institute at 269-3344 X 117.

For more information contact:

Tina Barzo, Development Associate
The Pembina Institute
Tel: 403.269.3344 Ext. 117

Nan Eskenazi, Good Earth Coffeehouse and Bakery
Tel: 403-294-9330

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