Research & Analysis
March 29, 2022
Media Release
2030 Emissions Reduction Plan is a turning point for climate action
Success now hinges on rigorous implementation of the policies outlined in the plan

Oil & Gas
January 7, 2022
Recommendations on principles to guide the implementation of an oil and gas cap
Submission to the Net-Zero Advisory Body

November 25, 2021
Media Release
Legislative loopholes a major cause of decline in caribou across Canada
Provincial exemptions undermine the Species at Risk Act, drag down goals for both conservation and climate

Electricity, Oil & Gas
November 15, 2021
COP26 is over. What’s next? (Hint: rapid change for Alberta)
Back in Edmonton, Simon Dyer maps out priorities to meet climate commitments made in Glasgow
October 21, 2021
Media Release
Wasteful Allan inquiry finds no wrongdoing of any kind
Kenney government’s polarizing position on climate and energy issues is undermining investment in Alberta
June 9, 2021
Media Release
Proposed hydrogen project a big improvement
Pembina Institute reacts to Air Products plan to build a blue hydrogen energy complex in Alberta
June 3, 2021
Media Release
Pembina Institute’s statement on the discovery of an unmarked burial site near Kamloops residential school

October 13, 2020
Reply to Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns
Pembina Institute response to invitation to apply as a participant for commentary

March 31, 2020
Media Release
Pembina Institute appoints former sustainability executive to top job
Linda Coady has worked with business and environmentalists to achieve progress on complex problems
Oil & Gas
February 24, 2020
Media Release
Teck Frontier decision highlights need for co-ordinated climate policy
Pembina Institute reacts to Teck Resources Limited decision to withdraw oilsands project

Oil & Gas
February 12, 2020
Regardless of the decision, Teck Frontier proves the system is still broken
We need to understand how individual projects fit into Canada’s long-term decarbonization pathways

December 11, 2019
Setting the record straight
Given climate and market imperatives, it’s time to work together — not increase polarization — to solve complex problems and build prosperity