A 35-year history of working with industry and government

Re “Foreign money and Canada’s democracy” (Mark Milke, June 25)

The Pembina Institute's Simon Dyer speaks at the 2018 Alberta Climate Summit. Photo: Roberta Franchuk, Pembina Institute

The Pembina Institute, formed by Albertans following a deadly sour gas explosion, has a 35-year history of working with the oil and gas industry and all levels of government to improve environmental performance and promote greater transparency for the benefit of industry, the environment, and all Canadians. On average, 85% of our funding comes from Canadian sources. Pembina has not intervened in any pipeline regulatory processes, and has played an important role as a public interest advocate in support of responsible energy development.

Simon Dyer
Executive Director, Pembina Institute

The Toronto Sun published this letter to the editor on June 29, 2019 (page A16).