Community and Educational Support

Renewables in Remote communities - community

Supporting communities through the clean energy transition 

As part of our commitment to supporting Indigenous remote communities as they transition off diesel, we develop tools and resources, hold workshops and webinars and help build technical and policy capacity in communities.

These efforts are driven through a commitment to strong and respectful relations with Indigenous Peoples and communities. 

What we offer

hcommunity supportCommunity support

Providing climate and energy policy expertise directly to communities and community clean energy champions to support project development and clean energy advocacy efforts.

hcommunity supportEducation

Developing resources, building knowledge, and simplifying the complex technical, policy, and regulatory aspects of the clean energy transtion for Indigenous communities, businesses, and energy champions. 


Engagement and support 
For inquiries about how Pembina can support your community's energy transition, contact us

Series: Climate and energy policy advancements

The Climate and energy policy advancements: Eliminating diesel in Canada’s remote communities, series provides insights, details and analysis of each of the specific policies we advocate for under our Renewables in Remote Communities (RiRC) program. This series was developed as part of the Pembina Institutes' participation in the Indigenous Off-diesel Initiative (IODI)

Expand to read about the key policy recommendations stemming from the Eliminating diesel in Canada’s remote communities series. 

Series: Remote Communities Energy in Transition

This  Remote Communities Energy in Transition series offers analysis on the challenges, opportunities, and solutions associated with the integration of renewable energy into remote communities’ microgrids. These publications cover the advancements in technical, financial, and human capacity, energy policy, and regulations needed to transition remote communities to clean energy.

Expand to explore our research and analysis from the Remote Communities Energy in Transition series. 

More research and analysis

Interested in learning more? More research, analysis, and other publications can be found here