When the Wind is Fair

Best practices for responsible wind development in Alberta

In order to meet the Government of Alberta’s goal of generating 30% of electricity from renewable power sources by 2030, 5,000 megawatts (MW) will need to be added to the province’s electrical grid, with a large portion of this capacity coming from wind. However, if this additional wind power is going to gain social acceptance, it must be done in a way that is environmentally and socially responsible, to address the concerns of Albertans and maximize the benefits associated with wind development.

This report is based on a series of case studies, looking at examples in Alberta, the U.S., and Europe, examining the best practices for wind development. While this report does not represent an exhaustive list of best practices, it does offer some guidance for how wind projects can be responsibly developed in Alberta. Based on the research, there are several practices wind developers and governments can adopt to encourage stakeholders to accept wind projects.