Parks and Wilderness

GPI Technical Report

September 1, 2001

This is one of 28 reports that provide the background for the Genuine Progress Indicators (GPI) System of Sustainable Well-being Accounts. It explains how we derived the index that was earlier published in Sustainability Trends 2000: The Genuine Progress Statement for Alberta, 1961 to 1999. The research for this report was completed near the end of 2000.

This report examines the extent of protected areas in Alberta and their value. It attempts to give answers to the following questions:

  • Is the area protected in parks and wilderness in Alberta sufficient to meet Canada's commitment to protection?
  • Is the level of protection of designated areas adequate, for ecosystem health and to provide sufficient habitat to allow species to survive and thrive?
  • How does the area protected compare with the area that has been designated for use for timber harvesting?
  • What is the financial value of Alberta's parks and wilderness as shown by actual expenditures?
  • What is the ecological and intrinsic value of our parks and protected areas and can we express it in monetary terms?

The index, based on the Alberta government's target area for protection, must be interpreted with care. It is of limited value as it measures only the area protected. It does not measure the degree of protection, size of areas protected or the existence of wildlife corridors between them.
