Open Letter to Premier Ford Re: Environmental Commissioner of Ontario: Bill 57

November 16, 2018
Pembina Institute
Canadian Environmental Law Association
et al

We are writing to express our grave concern that your government is reportedly poised to eliminate the office of Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO).

For over twenty-five years, Ontario citizens have greatly benefitted from relying on the ECO as an independent, non-partisan officer of the Legislature to hold all governments accountable for their decisions and efforts in protecting Ontarian’s vast and unparalleled environment. 

Therefore, we collectively call on your government to ensure that the ECO continues to exist as a stand-alone, independent office with all of its powers, duties and responsibilities intact under the EBR. We therefore call on you not to proceed with the revisions proposed in schedule 15 to Bill 57 which eliminate the stand-alone office of the ECO.