The Canadian government, as a resource manager for the Northwest Territories' oil and gas resources, is at a crossroads — it has to decide how to manage the development of the oil and gas resources in the territory. A win-win development scenario would allow companies to earn fair returns on their investments while providing maximum benefit for resource owners today and in the future. With a view to achieving a win-win development scenario for oil and gas developments in the territory, this discussion paper reviews and evaluates the existing Frontier Lands Petroleum Royalty Regime; the system for awarding lease rights for oil and gas; and key opportunities for the Government of the Northwest Territories to capture revenue from oil and gas developments within the territory.
At a Crossroads
Achieving a Win-Win From Oil and Gas Developments in the Northwest Territories
January 26, 2010

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Leading the transition to clean energy requires advancing solutions to today’s energy challenges from various angles.
The Pembina Institute has spent four decades working to reduce the environmental impacts of Canada’s energy production and to provide actionable ideas on how to implement clean energy.