This report outlines a project of tri-generation of natural gas-steam turbine combined cycle to meet the energy requirements of Beijing using a cleaner type of fuel. The proposed project, which will install two 50-MW units of natural gas-steam combined cycle THPC, offers benefits in energy savings, environmental protection, and economic development as well as improved air quality and reduced CO2 emissions. The project will also contribute to an assessment of the development potential of natural gas-steam turbine tri-generation. The proposal is based on detailed research on energy conservation, environmental protection and social benefits of the project, as well as project sustainability, lessons learned from other projects and risk assessment. Analysis on financial issues including net present value, internal rate of return and payback period provides important investment tools. This information is complemented by detailed CO2 emission reduction analysis.
Clean Development Mechanism Project Opportunities in China
Pre Feasibility Report for A Tri-Generation of Cooling, Heat and Power Project Using Natural Gas-Steam Turbine Combined Cycle
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The Pembina Institute has spent four decades working to reduce the environmental impacts of Canada’s energy production and to provide actionable ideas on how to implement clean energy.