Strengthening the Canadian Energy Regulator Act

Submission to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development on Bill C-69

The Pembina Institute appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on Bill C-69. This legislation is the culmination of two years of study and consultation including the important work of two expert review panels: the Expert Panel on NEB Modernization and the Expert Panel on Federal Environmental Assessment Processes. This is truly a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen Canada’s environmental laws and we urge the committee to carefully consider the amendments that are needed to strengthen and improve the legislation.

Overall we support the changes to federal energy regulation proposed in the Canadian Energy Regulator Act — as written it goes a great distance toward the objective of creating a 21st-century energy regulator. However, there are significant gaps in the legislation that must be addressed to ensure that it meets Canadians’ expectations for fair, inclusive, evidence-based processes, restores public trust, and corrects the current disconnect between energy and climate policy.

In addition to our detailed recommendations, we urge the committee to hear from Indigenous nations from across the country to ensure the final legislative solution upholds the government’s responsibilities on reconciliation and its commitment to upholding the principles and obligations of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.