This report assesses the progress of the government of Ontario on 'smart growth' and urban sustainability issues since October 2003, focussing on the areas of land-use planning, infrastructure funding, fiscal and taxation issues and governance structures. The report concludes that significant progress has been made, but that additional action is needed in six areas: the completion of the reform of the Ontario Municipal Board, improved integration of major transportation projects with land-use planning, the resolution of a number issues regarding development charges, property tax and non-development related municipal revenue sources, the integration of source water protection with land use planning, the provision of financial, technical and policy support to municipalities, and the development of a mineral aggregates conservation strategy.
Building Sustainable Urban Communities in Ontario
A Provincial Progress Report
June 1, 2005

Leading the transition to clean energy requires advancing solutions to today’s energy challenges from various angles.
The Pembina Institute has spent four decades working to reduce the environmental impacts of Canada’s energy production and to provide actionable ideas on how to implement clean energy.