Aligning electricity planning with B.C.’s climate and social goals

Recommendations to BC Hydro on the Draft Integrated Resource Plan

The Pembina Institute appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the 2021 draft Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). On balance, BC Hydro’s efforts to analyze options and make that analysis available to the participants of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) have been commendable.

Given the challenges of planning this in the midst of the uncertainty of a global pandemic and the climate emergency, the Pembina Institute’s primary recommendation is that that BC Hydro request an extension from the government and the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to deliver the final IRP.

This will give BC Hydro adequate time to implement our comments and recommendations, which we have grouped into the following categories:

  • Better alignment, conceptually and materially with BC’s climate targets as outlined in Clean Energy Act, Climate Accountability Act and CleanBC.
  • Clarity on BC energy self-sufficiency and alignment with Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA) through engaging and supporting indigenous communities when it comes to existing and new clean energy opportunities.
  • More details on plans for wild card scenarios that include liquified natural gas (LNG), blue hydrogen and upstream electrification of natural gas production. 
  • Increasing the potential for demand-side management (DSM) to better align with B.C.’s Electrification Strategy, CleanBC objectives and long-term affordability.
  • Providing more accessible materials to use in the engagement process to help decision-makers and member of the public understand the plan.