The results of a public opinion survey conducted for the Pembina Institute, NAIMA Canada and the Consumers Council of Canada shows the value that Albertans place on home energy efficiency. Of the 621 Albertans surveyed, 96 per cent responded that household energy conservation and energy efficiency in their homes are very important (59 per cent) or important (37 per cent), with 87 per cent supporting the provincial government implementing stronger energy efficiency standards for new homes. The poll also shows strong support for increases in minimum insulation standards and for standardized home energy labelling.
Albertans' Views on Energy Efficiency in the Province's Building Code
February 2, 2010

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Leading the transition to clean energy requires advancing solutions to today’s energy challenges from various angles.
The Pembina Institute has spent four decades working to reduce the environmental impacts of Canada’s energy production and to provide actionable ideas on how to implement clean energy.