Calgary Community GHG Reduction Plan

Energy in the City

The Calgary Community Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Plan provides direction on how to reduce community-wide GHG emissions in a focused and strategic way, over the short and long term.

The Plan outlines the key research findings that identified four key opportunity areas for reducing GHG emissions. It describes the stakeholder roles for effective action, along with the key role of the City of Calgary as plan manager. As well, it lists priority actions that the City can take to reduce commmunity GHG emissions.

Background to the GHG Reduction Plan

The research report identifies and assesses potential options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Calgary. It identifies areas for The City and other stakeholders to best focus and prioritize their resources individually and collaboratively in the development of the  Community Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan.

An extensive technical appendix offers in-depth examination of 14 opportunities, including consumer energy conservation, vehicle efficiency, combined heat and power, solar power and landfill gas capture.