The 2010 Global Thought Leader Survey on Sustainability

June 24, 2010
McAllister Opinion Research

The views of more than 5,000 sustainability thought leaders in Canada, the U.S. and Europe are outlined in The 2010 Global Thought Leader Survey on Sustainability, commissioned by the Pembina Institute from McAllister Opinion Research.

Thought leaders from government, academia, industry, institutions and non-profit organizations completed the survey, which featured a core set of sustainability-related questions plus four specialized sections: climate change, sustainable energy, green economics and oilsands.

These results clearly illustrate that leaders within government, academia and the private sector understand the energy and sustainability challenges Canada faces, and have a high level of agreement on how best to tackle them. However, federal performance on sustainability is out of step with the views of those surveyed. 

This is one of the largest recent surveys of the Canadian bureaucracy on sustainable energy and climate change.