On June 2, 2009, leaders from the major U.S. and Canadian environmental and conservation organizations met outside Washington, D.C. to discuss solutions and areas for coordination. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss common climate, energy and natural areas conservation issues recognizing the integration of U.S. and Canadian economies and our mutual need for clean energy job creation.
Declaration of U.S. and Canadian Environmental and Conservation Leaders on U.S.-Canada Cooperation on Climate, Energy, and Natural Areas Conservation
June 4, 2009
Related Research & Analysis

April 26, 2022
Response to the federal government’s discussion paper on the forthcoming Clean Electricity Standard
Submission to Environment and Climate Change Canada

Leading the transition to clean energy requires advancing solutions to today’s energy challenges from various angles.
The Pembina Institute has spent four decades working to reduce the environmental impacts of Canada’s energy production and to provide actionable ideas on how to implement clean energy.