Climate, Energy and the B.C. Election 2009

A Review of Three Party Platform Commitments

The Pembina Institute has examined the climate and energy commitments of British Columbia's three main parties - Liberal, NDP and Green - in order to help voters better understand what each party is promising with respect to climate and energy issues. For the Liberal Party, we have drawn from their platform, the 2007 Energy Plan, and the 2008 Climate Action Plan. For the NDP and the Green Party, we have drawn from their respective platforms and supplementary information on their websites.

We have evaluated each party's energy and climate change commitments using the following six criteria:

  1. Setting science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
  2. Putting a price on global warming pollution.
  3. Helping British Columbians use less energy for transportation.
  4. Helping British Columbians use less energy in their homes and buildings.
  5. Greening B.C.'s electricity supply.
  6. Reducing impacts from oil and gas development.

We developed a five-star classification that evaluates a combination of measures in each category in order to better evaluate the proposals of each party.