Mind The Gap

A Blueprint for Climate Action in British Columbia, Summary and Full Reports

In 2007, British Columbia’s estimated greenhouse gas emissions are 71 million tonnes, and rising. Meeting the province’s stated goal of cutting today’s emissions by 33% or more by 2020 means we will need to cut a total of at least 36 million tonnes of greenhouse gases.

Mind The Gap Summary Report examines what it will take for British Columbia to meet or beat its emission reduction target. The report looks at the B.C. government’s commitments to date, approximately five million tonnes of reductions. It’s a good start, but more government action is needed.

The report then examines strategies for reductions from six different sectors of B.C.’s economy – business and industry; oil and gas; personal transportation; homes and buildings; waste and agriculture; and electricity – to determine where we can further cut our carbon emissions. In those sectors, the report finds 22 million tonnes of potential reductions, and offers recommendations on the changes needed in order for these reductions to happen.

Innovations could contribute between eight and 16 additional million tonnes of reductions, meaning about 38 million tonnes of reductions can be realized if the B.C. government and British Columbians are prepared to make real changes.