Canada must invest in clean tech to ensure competitiveness

Re: We're not selling Hawaii's weather: Canada's economic advantage is in resources, Opinion, June 2

Clean tech plant in Squamish, B.C. Photo: Stephen Hui, Pembina Institute

To ensure Canadian competitiveness in the changing world, we must invest in clean growth and innovation in all sectors, including buildings and natural resources. For instance, there are 300,000 jobs in the country's green-building sector, and every $1 million invested in this sector generates $3 million-$4 million in economic growth.

In 2015, Canada's clean-tech sector produced $13.3 billion of revenue. According to Analytica Advisors, the worldwide clean-tech market is worth $1.15 trillion. However, Canada's market share slipped 12 per cent between 2008 and 2015. And we're at risk of falling further behind as big players like China and India step up.

As Mark Milke rightly highlighted, Canada's workforce is highly educated. We need to better tap into it if we're going to win in the global, clean-growth economy.

Ed Whittingham
Executive director, Pembina Institute


The Vancouver Sun published this letter to the editor on page G2 on June 10, 2017.