B.C.'s plans for the carbon tax

Re: "Carbon Tax Hike Not in the Works, Christy Clark Says," Vancouver Sun, April 17, 2015

That Premier Clark is not considering increasing the carbon tax calls into question the level of ambition with which her government intends to address the next phase of climate action in B.C. The Premier made this statement while telling G20 finance ministers about the success of B.C.’s carbon tax in cutting emissions while B.C.’s economy continues to grow. The OECD and World Bank have praised the tax’s effectiveness. Now is the time to build on that success, not take a step backward.

Last week the B.C. government also made the welcome and needed announcement that B.C. will undertake a new phase of climate action (Climate Action Plan 2.0). A comprehensive approach to addressing climate change must include a conversation about the carbon tax. And rate increases should be on the table. At a minimum, the carbon tax should continue with its previous schedule of increasing by $5 per tonne each year to ensure business and industry are making the shifts necessary to remain competitive in a low-carbon economy.

I’m glad to see the Premier committing to engaging British Columbians on our climate challenge. This is not the time to be pulling options off the table.

The edited version of this LTE published in the Vancouver Sun can be found here.