Climate action is B.C.’s clean-growth opportunity

Re: “New team to advise on climate action,” Oct. 24

Finance Minister Carole James has pledged to “carve out a new path” where “addressing climate action is a tool for long term sustainable growth and jobs in every corner of our province.” This new path should include strong climate policies that will reduce carbon pollution from B.C.’s building, transportation, and industrial sectors.

Indeed, we know that ambitious climate action opens the door to clean growth and benefits British Columbians. B.C.’s clean tech sector earned $1.8 billion in revenue in 2016, up 20% from 2014. There are 31,700 jobs in B.C.’s green building sector, and energy-efficient homes can lower energy bills by more than 50%.

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work on building B.C.’s clean growth future. The world is moving forward with climate action. Let’s do our part — and reap the benefits too.

Karen Tam Wu
Acting B.C. director, Pembina Institute
Member, Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council

Clean growth

The Times Colonist (Victoria) published this letter to the editor on October 28, 2017 (page A13).