Rethinking how to respond to oilsands criticism

Ongoing criticism of oilsands development in Alberta is
wreaking reputational havoc on our province, culminating in an unfortunate hit
to tourism operators with the recent Rethink Alberta campaign. We think a
different response could level the criticisms.

We're not alone. U.S. Ambassador David Jacobson challenged
industry to "do more to demonstrate how they're meeting the challenges of
providing energy security while meeting their obligations of environmental

That's not what's happening though. Instead, we're
witnessing a self-defeating cycle of ramped up public relations from the
Government of Alberta that never truly addresses the substance of the
criticisms directed at the province's regulation of the oilsands industry.

Last year the Pembina Institute released Clearing the Air on Oilsands Myths, a
report that showed the Alberta Government and industry have been making some
pretty misleading and selective claims around oilsands development -
ironically, a charge they lay against the architects of the Rethink Alberta

There are lots of warring statistics from both sides around
oilsands development, which are surprisingly, mostly accurate.

We can argue about whether the oilsands deposit is the size
of England and whether half of it has already been leased for development (both
statements are true). We can question whether current mines "only" occupy 600
square kilometres (that statements is true as well).

We can talk about the fact that oilsands production produces
about 300 per cent more emissions than conventional oil production from Canada
and the U.S., or downplay that statistic because those emissions are "only"
about 10 to 30 per cent worse than the average for conventional oil if you
factor in the pollution from burning that oil in your vehicle (both statements
are true). Of course, neither statement is particularly comforting at a time
when we need to be making deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Some will speak to the fact that oilsands operators are investing
billions of dollars trying to deal with tailings waste (true), while others
will say that successful reclamation of these toxic lakes that are known to be
seeping into the water system has never been demonstrated (also true).

long are we going to remain in the vicious claim-counter-claim cycle before we
acknowledge the monumental environmental challenges of oilsands development and
seriously, not superficially, commit to actually addressing those challenges?

isn't to say that there hasn't been some progress to lessen per-barrel
environmental impacts of oilsands development, but has the Alberta government
developed environmental limits to ensure that the air, land and water is
protected in our province or that barrel-for-barrel the oilsands are
environmentally competitive with other forms of energy production? In both
cases, the answer is sadly - no.

We agree with recent
acknowledgements from the premier's council for economic strategy:
reputation with key energy customers has been damaged in recent years, and
relationships with communities near oilsands developments (especially First
Nations communities) are strained."

And we certainly agree when the council says, "It may take a
dramatic gesture to convince a skeptical public to applaud Alberta as a
responsible natural resource steward."

It's true - we can continue to circle the wagons or, as a
growing chorus is demanding, actually listen to both concerned stakeholders
inside Alberta and customers and critics around the world to start a dialogue
about ways to lessen the environmental impacts of oilsands development.

There are plenty of actions Alberta could start with, such
as placing a high enough price on carbon to drive investments towards reducing
greenhouse gas emissions, prohibiting the creation of tailings ponds for new
projects, developing a network of conservation areas to compensate for wildlife
impacts, and prohibiting water withdrawals from the Athabasca River during low
flow periods.

It's a valid criticism that oilsands environmental
management has not kept pace with the rapid rate of oilsands expansion and that
the setting of environmental rules has been granted less importance than
increasing production. Alberta could regain some credibility by pausing new
project approvals until some of the key missing elements to responsible
management are in place.

Bottom line is this: A war of words won't solve the problem
and until we address the underlying gaps in Alberta's regulatory regime,
Alberta is going to continue to be criticized for mismanaging oilsands
development. Fortunately, we can minimize those criticisms if we rethink our