Stay ahead of the debate with Pembina's News Feeds.
What is a News Feed?
News feeds allow you to see new website content on a subscription basis. That means that you don't need to revisit websites to see what might have changed since last time you visited. A news feed is a web page, in a standard format, that is read by a news reader. Learn more...
How do I subscribe to a news feed?
You subscribe to news feeds using a news reader. There are many free ones available: The latest FireFox web browser supports news feeds with something called "Live Bookmarks". Web portals such as Facebook, Yahoo! and iGoogle allow you to subscribe to feeds. Or you can download an application and manage your feeds on your own computer.
Are news feeds free and secure?
Yes. News feeds are simply a special kind of web page. Feeds are free and you do not need to login or disclose personal information to subscribe to one.
Pembina Institute News Feeds