Prime Minister Harper invited to visit Young Leaders' Summit on Northern Climate Change

Today the four-day Young Leaders’ Summit on Northern Climate Change launches in Inuvik. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who is touring the North this week, has been invited to attend the summit.

"The Prime Minister's tour is very timely," said Graham Saul of Climate Action Network Canada. "We hope he can stop in to hear what Canada's young leaders will be doing to help address climate change in the North."

The summit is designed to empower young leaders to tackle the greatest challenge facing the planet -- climate change. The five groups organizing the summit are bringing together over 60 young leaders from across Canada to participate in a mixture of outdoor field trips, indoor lectures and action planning activities. Some of the sessions offer information on effective communication, northern climate change impacts, climate policy and adaptation.

"The registration response for the summit was overwhelming," said Daniel T'seleie of Ecology North. "Clearly this event is an indicator of the importance of climate change in young leaders' minds."

A press conference will be held on August 20 at the Midnight Sun Recreation Centre in Inuvik. It will give participants and spokespeople an opportunity to talk about outcomes from the summit.

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For more information please visit


Daniel T'seleie
Ecology North
Phone: (867) 444-0509

Graham Saul
Climate Action Network Canada
Phone: (613) 558-3368 


Summit Co-hosts:

Arctic Athabaskan Council
Whitehorse, Yukon
Gwich'in Council International
Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Ecology North
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Climate Action Network Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Pembina Institute
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

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