Poll confirms Albertans understand benefits of early coal phase-out

Phase-out will result in new investment, improved well-being and significant savings for health care system

CALGARY — Ben Thibault, electricity policy director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to poll results showing a majority of Albertans agree there is a need for an early coal phase-out:

“The poll results come as no surprise. Albertans have understood for some time now that phasing out coal offers tremendous opportunities for the province. Albertans get it and have now been joined by a provincial government that wants to grasp these opportunities.

After decades of lip service, steps are being taken to diversify and make Alberta’s economy more resilient to volatility. Phasing out coal sooner rather than later creates space for Alberta to adopt the clean energy sources that are accelerating globally.

Albertans also understand the impact coal's high level of pollution is having on our health. The report Costly Diagnosis shows moving away from coal will avoid premature deaths, hospitalizations and asthma days, and save our health system hundreds of millions of dollars every year.”



Kirk Heuser
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute


Report: A Costly Diagnosis

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