Pembina reacts to Trudeau’s climate and energy announcements

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau announces new policy details. Photo: Canada 2020, Flickr CC.

TORONTO — Erin Flanagan, analyst at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s environmental and economic policy announcements today:

“We are pleased to see the Liberal party support the inclusion of upstream carbon emissions in the National Energy Board’s reviews of pipeline projects. This is aligned with growing public concern over the NEB’s refusal to consider climate change as part of its reviews.

“The Pembina Institute would welcome similar commitments from all federal parties. A credible review process must consider the full impacts of increased oilsands development, including those on land, water and climate. Any new environmental assessment standards should be applied to projects currently under review by the NEB.

“We are pleased to see the Liberal party emphasize the urgency of reducing carbon emissions and investing in clean technologies. According to Analytica Advisors, Canada’s global market share in clean technology has declined by 41 per cent since 2005, making it the third-largest loser of market share since 2008. To reverse this trend, Canada needs to have comprehensive policies in place that support the sector.

“We applaud the commitment to put a price on carbon emissions nation-wide, and to work with Canada’s premiers in advance of the upcoming international climate negotiations in Paris. It’s essential that such a process results in an ambitious national emissions reduction plan.”



Erin Flanagan (English / français)

Bernard Rudny (English / français)
Communications Lead


Report: Competing in Clean Energy (January 2013)

Report: Climate Implications of the Proposed Energy East pipeline (February 2014)

Perspective paper: Oilsands transportation infrastructure (November 2013)

Blog:Pipeline assessment needs to include upstream impacts” (January 2010)

Letter to the Enbridge Northern Gateway joint review panel:Terms of reference for pipeline review must be amended” (February 2010)

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