Pembina Reacts: Shell Press Release Misleading

September 15, 2009
Media Release

Dan Woynillowicz, spokesperson for the Pembina Institute, made the following statements in response to Shell's media release regarding the occupation of its oilsands mine by Greenpeace activists:

"Shell's release makes a misleading statement regarding the Pembina Institute's ranking of its environmental performance. The Pembina Institute/WWF's 2008 report card on the environmental performance of oilsands mines found that Shell's new oilsands mines are getting worse, not better.

"The report card showed that even the highest scoring oilsands mine scored just 56 percent. Shell's newest mine ranked eighth out of ten, scoring only 26 percent.

"Shell has demonstrated a disregard for commitments it made to stakeholders, as evidenced by its recent decision to abandon a written commitment to the Oilsands Environmental Coalition (OSEC) to reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 900,000 tonnes per year at its new oilsands facilities. Through actions like this Shell is reinforcing the growing mistrust that local stakeholders and Canadians have for the oilsands industry."


The Pembina Institute is a non-partisan sustainable energy think tank.

For more information, contact:
Dan Woynillowicz

The Pembina Institute

Cell: 403-888-6272


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