Pembina reacts to the results of the Alberta election

CALGARY — Ed Whittingham, executive director of the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the outcome of the Alberta election:

“With this election, Albertans have voted for change — and that change includes improving Alberta’s environmental record and its approach to climate change.

“We support the Alberta NDP's commitments to invest in energy efficiency, and to phase out coal-fired electricity and replace it with cleaner sources. 

“We also applaud their commitment to take leadership on the issue of climate change — and that includes coming up with a credible plan to manage the growth in greenhouse gas pollution from the oilsands, and meet Alberta’s 2020 climate target.

“The Pembina Institute looks forward to working with Alberta's new government to make progress on these priorities.”



Ed Whittingham
Executive Director

Julia Kilpatrick
Communications Director

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