Pembina reacts to the release of the Alberta Wetland Policy

Jennifer Grant, oilsands program director at the Pembina Institute, made the following comments today concerning the release of the Alberta Wetland Policy:

“Alberta has spent eight years developing the wetland policy that was released today, but it is unclear when and how it will actually affect oilsands decision-making. The Government of Alberta needs to confirm the following:

  • All planned and approved oilsands projects will be subject to the policy,
  • That the policy is in effect from today and will result in mitigation of current impacts for all oilsands projects going forward, and
  • No exemptions for oilsands will entertained.

“Alberta needs to implement a policy that requires urban and industrial developers to restore a wetland every time a wetland is destroyed. This is called a no-net-loss wetland policy and was recommended by the Alberta Water Council in 2008.

“Alberta cannot afford any further delay: thousands of hectares of wetlands were lost while this policy was being developed. More than 300,000 hectares of wetlands — or an area four times the area of the City of Calgary — are at risk from oilsands development.”



Jennifer Grant
Oilsands Director
(403) 678-0449

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