Pembina reacts to Premier Clark’s comments on “cleanest” LNG

Vancouver – Matt Horne, climate change program director at the Pembina Institute, made the following remarks in response to B.C. Premier Christy Clark’s comment that her government’s commitment to producing the "cleanest" liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the world applies only to the liquefaction process:

“If this is truly how the province is going to define ‘cleanest’ LNG, it wipes away any hope that this government is serious about addressing the environmental concerns. Attempting to draw an artificial boundary around Kitimat and Prince Rupert is misleading; the LNG plants themselves would be just one part of the bigger LNG future that B.C. is barrelling toward.

“More than three quarters of the greenhouse gas emissions from LNG development would be released before any gas reaches the northwest. All of the fracking needed to get the gas out of the ground would happen in northeast B.C. These impacts will be caused by LNG development and they will be ignored by a standard focused only on Kitimat and Prince Rupert.

“The LNG plants are just the tip of the iceberg. Not accounting for the much bigger part below the surface is a recipe for disaster. There’s no way around it: the province must include the full natural gas picture — from extraction to export — if it wants any credibility for its ‘cleanest’ claims.”



Matt Horne
Climate Change Program Director


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