Pembina reacts to Ontario's support for electric vehicle charging stations

TORONTO — Cherise Burda, Ontario policy director for
the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Ontario
government's announcement
to kick-start the installation of electric car
charging stations:

"Investing in clean
transportation is a positive move by the Ontario government — it demonstrates a
commitment to Ontario's green energy future and benefits all taxpayers by
supporting transportation options that will reduce air pollution and help fight
climate change.

"As the McGuinty
government continues to phase-out Ontario's coal-fired power plants,
transportation is the next important sector to tackle, since it accounts for
one-third of Ontario's greenhouse gas pollution and represents the largest and
fastest growing source of greenhouse gases in the province.

"Electric vehicles are an
important solution to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and cutting
Ontario's dependence on imported fuel, keeping money in the province and
investing it in the clean tech sector.

"Increasing the number of
charging stations available sends a clear signal to manufacturers and
car buyers that electric vehicles are reliable and infrastructure is available.

"Today's announcement
brings key Ontario policies together by making it easier for Ontarians to drive
electric vehicles, while the coal phase-out helps to ensure those vehicles will be
powered by clean energy. It is critical for Ontario to stay this course and
ramp up green energy in the province."



Cherise Burda
Director, Ontario policy                            
Cell: 416-824-0256


  • Ontario consumes a third of all the refined petroleum in Canada.
    More than 80 per cent of that oil is used by the transportation sector.
  • Ontario spends $13.2 billion every year to import oil for its
    transportation sector.
  • Personal transportation — how Ontarians get around every day — accounts for the majority of all transportation fuel consumed.
  • If five per
    cent of Ontario's vehicles were electric by 2020, we could reduce fuel
    dependency by up to 4 million barrels of oil per year.
  • Other key
    transportation policies in Ontario include implementing the Metrolinx Big Move
    transportation plan for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, which would save
    up to 5 million barrels of oil per year.

Source: Pembina Institute
report, Bridging the Gulf

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