Pembina reacts to Ontario's 90 per cent reduction in coal-fired power since 2003


TORONTO, ON — Cherise Burda, director of Ontario Energy Solutions for the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Ontario government's announcement that coal-fired power production has been reduced by 90 per cent since 2003:

"Ontario's progress in phasing out dirty coal-fired power is delivering cleaner air and reducing greenhouse gas pollution — and that progress will continue as Ontario's energy supply features more renewable energy sources.

"Skeptics have argued that replacing coal-fired power plants with a mix of new renewable energy supply and enhanced energy efficiency would be impossible, but Ontario's ambitious efforts are proving it is both practical and technologically achievable.

"The government's effort to eliminate coal-fired power pollution provides real health benefits for Ontarians, and those benefits translate into reduced healthcare costs overall. By remaining committed to the Green Energy Act, the government can succeed in phasing out coal-fired power, deliver clean energy to Ontarians and create tens of thousands of jobs."



Cherise Burda
Director, Ontario Energy Solutions
The Pembina Institute
Cell: 416-824-0256
Twitter @CheriseBurda

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