Pembina Reacts: Ontario Cap and Trade Legislation

Cherise Burda, Ontario Policy Director for the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to cap and trade legislation to be tabled today by the Government of Ontario. The legislation, which will amend the Environmental Protection Act, enables the provincial government to implement a cap and trade system but leaves critical details such as targets to future regulations:

“In delaying the start of its cap-and-trade system for two years from its originally stated start date of 2010, Ontario has passed up an opportunity to demonstrate true leadership on the climate change file.  As British Columbia has shown with its carbon tax, we don’t need to wait to put a price on pollution.

Taking action now, instead of delaying, would put Ontario in a much stronger position to shape climate change regulations in North America, provide much-needed certainty for industry, avoid possible punitive measures from the U.S., and increase the chance of Ontario meeting its climate change goals.

Although Ontario has demonstrated a commitment to climate leadership in Canada, much more remains to be done. Ontario’s continued credibility will depend on filling in the blanks in the Climate Change Plan – and especially the regulations for cap and trade – by the time the government shows up at the critical UN climate conference in Copenhagen this December.”

The Pembina Institute is a non-partisan sustainable energy think tank.

Cherise Burda
Ontario Policy Director
416-644-1016 ext 1
Cell: 416-824-0256

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