Pembina reacts to national climate declaration

March 3, 2016
Media Release

VANCOUVER — Ed Whittingham, executive director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Vancouver Declaration on Clean Growth and Climate Change unveiled today:

“We are pleased to see governments announce a climate change declaration for Canada, as promised during the federal election and at the UN meetings in Paris. This kind of comprehensive framework is necessary for Canada to hit its existing climate change targets and to secure deeper pollution reductions by mid-century.  

“We are particularly pleased to see concrete actions agreed to at the first ministers meeting, including plans to accelerate clean electricity trade between provinces, reduce reliance on diesel fuel in Indigenous communities, and invest in public transit infrastructure. These types of actions demonstrate that emissions reductions programs have important co-benefits for households, businesses and communities.

“In order to see national progress towards our climate goals, provinces without ambitious climate strategies must adopt new carbon cutting measures. To that end, we expect the working groups announced by the premiers and prime minister will propose new climate policies and regulations for Canada. In particular, we look forward to an accelerated national coal phase-out, an ambitious methane reduction goal for the oil and gas sector, and minimum standards on carbon pricing."



Erin Flanagan
Program Director, Federal Policy

Kelly O’Connor
Communications Lead


Op-ed: Vancouver Sun: First ministers need to get Canada on the road to strong climate action (February 2016)

Op-ed: Edmonton Journal: Paris must be a catalyst for more climate progress at home (Dec. 2015)

Blog: Success of the Paris Agreement will be measured by policy progress here at home (Dec. 2015)

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