Pembina Reacts: Carbon Tax Among the Winners in B.C. Election

B.C. shows support for bold action on climate change

Matt Horne, Director of B.C. Energy Solutions for the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to Premier Gordon Campbell and the B.C. Liberals win in yesterday's B.C. election.

"The Pembina Institute congratulates Premier Campbell and the B.C. Liberals on their third successive election win in British Columbia.

"With progressive measures like North America's most ambitious carbon tax to date and a ban on dirty coal-fired electricity, B.C. has established itself as a climate leader in Canada. Premier Campbell’s re-election shows that the support of British Columbians for bold action on climate change brings political as well as economic opportunity.

"Maintaining B.C.'s climate leadership role over the next four years will require building upon this strong foundation. The necessary policies are well known and B.C.'s government has been given a mandate from voters to implement them. We look forward to working with all Members of the Legislative Assembly collaboratively on the next steps to tackle global warming."

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The Pembina Institute is a non-partisan sustainable energy think tank.

For more information, contact:

Matt Horne
Director, BC Energy Solutions Program
The Pembina Institute
Cell: 778-235-1476

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