Pembina Reacts: B.C. Liberal Platform Offers Nothing New on Climate Action

Matt Horne, B.C. Energy Solutions Director for the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the release of the B.C. Liberals' election platform:

"The Liberals are sticking with the core components of their climate plan including the ban on dirty coal-fired electricity, cap and trade legislation, and British Columbia's carbon tax. These initiatives made British Columbia a leader on climate action in 2008, and reflect efforts to reduce emissions across the whole economy."

"A gap still remains between the greenhouse gas reduction targets the Liberals have legislated and the reductions their current plan is expected to achieve. Their platform offers no new ideas on how they'll close that gap. In particular, they have not yet acknowledged the need to increase the carbon tax post-2012 or to broaden its coverage of pollution sources."

"We continue to have serious concerns regarding the Liberals' energy plan, which includes opening new gas fields and developing an energy corridor across Northern British Columbia. This plan does not inspire confidence that new development will be aligned with British Columbia's climate objectives or the interests of communities."

"On balance, the Liberals' accomplishments to date put British Columbia out in front on climate action in Canada. At the same time, there is a need to build on the foundation provided and ensure that it is not undermined by new oil and gas development. Those necessary next steps have not been provided by this platform."

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