Pembina reacts to Alberta’s new oilsands information portal

CALGARY — Simon Dyer, policy director at the
Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the launch of
the Government of Alberta's new oilsands information portal:

"We welcome measures by the Government
of Alberta to improve the accessibility and transparency of some key oilsands
performance measures.

new oilsands information portal allows the public to understand the
environmental performance of various oilsands companies and the cumulative
level of impact for key environmental performance measures including greenhouse
gas pollution, land reclamation and the size of tailings lakes.

Pembina Institute has been calling for more transparency as a key element to
improve oilsands decision making for years; this portal is a positive step
toward achieving a higher level of accountability and environmental performance
in the oilsands."



Simon Dyer

Julia Kilpatrick

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