Pembina Institute representative at UN climate talks in Cancun, Mexico

Clare Demerse, associate director of the Pembina Institute's climate change program, is in Cancun, Mexico, and available to comment on Canada's performance at the UN climate negotiations taking place between now and Dec. 10.  

Delegates and observers are attending the international climate talks, which aim to make progress toward reaching a new global climate deal. The Cancun talks could represent a big step forward towards a successful outcome in the leadup to next year's negotiations in South Africa.

Media contacts:

In Mexico

Clare Demerse (Cancun)
Associate Director, Climate Change

Ottawa cell: +1-613-762-7449
Mexico cell: 998-107-6154
(To call Mexico from Canada, dial: 011-52 ahead of other coordinates)

Note: Due to difficulties with cell phone reception in Cancun, please contact Clare by email to set up telephone interviews. If you are having difficulty getting in touch, please contact Julia Kilpatrick.

In Canada

Matthew Bramley (Ottawa)
Director, Climate Change
613-216-1976 x 26

Julia Kilpatrick (Ottawa)
Media Manager
613-216-1976 x 30


For an overview of the issues on the table at the UN climate negotiations and Canada's position going into the Cancun talks, download Pembina's briefing note (in English or French).

Pembina's fact sheet "Fighting climate change in Mexico" looks at opportunities to limit greenhouse gas pollution in Mexico and the role that countries like Canada can play in realizing those opportunities.

Follow Pembina's climate change blog posts and other news to stay up to date on what's happening in Cancun. Two recent posts outline Clare Demerse's expectations going into the UN climate negotiations, and why the federal government's 2010 contribution of funding to help poor countries deal with climate change doesn't measure up in delivering Canada's fair share.

We'll be posting updates and news related to the UN negotiations in Cancun to our Twitter and Facebook profiles. Use the hashtags #Climate #Cancun and #COP16 to stay in the loop.

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