Pembina Institute to release progress update on road map to responsible oilsands development

Journalists are invited to attend an in-depth media briefing prior to release

April 25, 2013
Media Release



EDMONTON — Two years after the Pembina Institute outlined 19 steps toward responsible oilsands development in a report entitled Solving the Puzzle, the Pembina Institute will release a progress update Monday documenting where improvements have been made to reduce the impacts of oilsands development, and key policy solutions that remain to be implemented.

Journalists are invited to attend a media briefing prior to the release of the progress update, where Simon Dyer, policy director at the Pembina Institute, will review improvements that have been made to Alberta’s regulatory regime for oilsands development in the past two years. Dyer will also identify a range of solutions that could move Alberta to the forefront of environmental stewardship in natural resource development.

Who: Simon Dyer, policy director, the Pembina Institute

When: 10 a.m. MT, Monday, April 29, 2013

Where: This is an online briefing, and advance registration is required. To attend, please click here to register by 9 a.m. MT on Monday, April 29, 2013.



For further information or inquiries related to registering for the webinar, please contact:

Communications Lead, Pembina Institute
Cell: 604-354-2628
Phone: 604-874-8558


Original Report (2011) and Solutions Checklist

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