The Pembina Institute reacts to Alberta Government announcement on 30% renewables target

September 14, 2016
Media Release

CALGARY — Sara Hastings-Simon, Clean Energy Program Director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Ministry of Environment and Parks announcement.

“Albertans will benefit from an increase in renewables on the grid. The experience from countless jurisdictions shows that when deployed wisely renewables can reduce power bills for consumers – serving as a price hedge and protecting consumers from volatile commodity prices. Renewables further reduce the need for costly transmission and distribution upgrades, and improve grid resiliency.”

“The cost of solar technology has been falling dramatically for decades. The cost of electricity produced from solar technology has come down more than 90 per cent from 1983 to 2015. Wind power has dropped 65 per cent over the same time.”

“The renewable energy target will stimulate billions in investment in the province to build the electricity system of the 21st century, bringing jobs to Alberta. This target sends a clear signal to investors, providing the certainty required for investment.”



Suzy Thompson
Communications Lead, Alberta, Pembina Institute



FAQ series #2 Increasing renewables on Alberta’s power grid

Infographic Wind and solar in Alberta

Factsheet The true price of wind and solar electricity generation

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