Pembina Institute to Dedicate Portion of Proceeds From Art Garfunkel Concert to Jepp Quads

August 31, 2007
Media Release

The Pembina Institute announced today that it will be earmarking 10 per cent of the proceeds from its upcoming Art Garfunkel fundraising concerts to help J.P. and Karen Jepp give their new quadruplets a good start in life.

On August 12 Karen gave birth to four identical quadruplets: Autumn, Brooke, Calissa and Dahlia. It is an extremely rare thing, about one in 74.5 million, for identical quadruplets to be conceived. Only 61 sets of identical quadruplets have been born worldwide since 1930.

Needless to say, J.P. and Karen of Calgary were a little surprised seven months ago when they learned they would be adding four more children to their family. The Jepps already had one child, Simon, two-years-old; so adding four more made an instant family of five children!

J.P. Jepp worked as an energy analyst with the Pembina Institute until about six months ago, while Karen also worked in the environmental sector. Pembina's staff were excited for them and began wondering what they could do to help out.

"We were going to pass the hat and collect some funds to help J.P. and his new family out, when someone suggested the idea of dedicating a portion of the funds from our upcoming Art Garfunkel fundraising concerts in Edmonton and Calgary,"says Chris Severson-Baker, acting Executive Director of the Pembina Institute.

"J.P. and Karen are undoubtedly a little overwhelmed with their instant large family and we wanted to help them out. If the fundraising concerts sell out, the Jepps could receive a good financial boost to help out with expenses," says Severson-Baker.

Those wanting to support the Jepps directly can donate to the "Jepp Quad Care Trust Fund" at any Scotiabank branch in Canada.

Proceeds from the Garfunkel concert will also support the work of the Pembina Institute, an Alberta-based environmental organization working towards sustainable energy solutions. 

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For media information, please contact:

Chris Severson-Baker
The Pembina Institute
Cell: 403-899-7423

Background on the Concerts:

Pembina is proud to be presenting the legendary Art Garfunkel in a unique two-city concert tour (Edmonton and Calgary) entitled the Green Planet Concert Series. This event is designed to raise funds and raise awareness for the vital work done by The Pembina Institute organization.

Art Garfunkel performance dates:

September 16, 2007 - Edmonton - Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

September 18, 2007 - Calgary - Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

The Pembina Institute is an independent, not-for-profit environmental policy research and education organization working on sustainable energy solutions. The Pembina Institute's major policy research and education programs are in the areas of sustainable energy, climate change, environmental governance, ecological fiscal reform, sustainability indicators, and the environmental impacts of the energy industry.

Art Garfunkel was originally revered for his Grammy-winning, chart-topping songs and albums with partner Paul Simon. Their greatest hits collection, which includes Mrs. Robinson, Scarborough Fair, The Sound Of Silence, The Boxer and Bridge Over Troubled Water, is the biggest selling album ever by a duo. Art went on to a successful film career, published a book of poetry and recently released his 12th solo album, Some Enchanted Evening on Atco Records.

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